ReCell Plus 3x, the best hair transplantation technique for thinning hair problems

Based on ReCell Hair Micro Transplant technique that has been recognized through more than 1000 cases and reviews stating that this technique can solve thinning hair problems in the middle of the head and make hair look thicker and darker, I, Dr. Danai Thampibal has recently developed a new technique “ReCell Plus 3x”, the next […]
Dr. Thampibal Explains His Approach to Integrated Hair Transplantation

Most of us take our hair for granted—particularly during our younger years—but you can start losing your hair at any age. Hair loss can affect men in their twenties and thirties, and while less common in women, it can still happen. When you suddenly experience unexpected hair loss, you should start hair restoration treatment as […]
How Does a Hair Transplant Work? The FUE Method Explained

Whether a receding hairline or a bald patch, hair loss can have a seriously negative impact on your self-esteem. Luckily, this type of problem can be effectively treated with hair transplant surgery, so you need not keep living with it. While the high price might put you off in your home country, getting a hair […]
Learn More About Direct Hair Implantation With Dr. Danai Thampibal

If you have been searching the Internet to find out why your hair is falling out, it might be time for you to change your mindset. So many different reasons exist for hair loss, making it hard to understand exactly why it happens, but what we do know is that once it starts, your hair […]